On January 2020 we made our last trip to Thailand. We used to visit the country twice a year, but that time we had no idea that it would had been our last trip for a long time. I was fascinated by my daughters in the middle of the sea as if they were trying to look at their future, but the horizon was blurred. Once we went back to Italy, in less than two months we found ourselves, as all Italy, under lockdown due to COVID restrictions. As I was observing my daughters and photographing them during that strange time of our life, I realized that even if I had the feeling our lives were somehow suspended, life was going on, no matter what. Our apartment became a safe place, hiding us from something mysterious and incomprehensible at the same time, something that was changing their relationship and entered every aspect of their lives. As they were trying to understand and deal their own way with something bigger than us, something that affected the tiniest part of our every day life, I remember Ada told me: ‘look mum, my popcorn looks like the Coronavirus’.


Silvia, the computer girl (ReComS)