unforgettable captured moments
Wedding proposal in Italy
Wedding proposal in Italy: a special proposal at Reschio, an enchanting location between Tuscany and Umbria
Choosing a specific place/destination for your wedding proposal (but also for your engagement) is very important: the chosen location will become a special place (maybe one day you’ll want to go back to remember and celebrate a special time of your life) and it will be the background of your photos: for this reason, my suggestion is to book your proposal photoshoot well in advance: this way I can coordinate with the location you have chosen or give you suggestions/create a special itinerary for you if Rome is your chosen destination.
Romantic couple photoshoot in Rome: something different
If you’re looking for a special, intimate place for a couple photoshoot when traveling to Rome - maybe you are planning a wedding proposal or maybe you just want to go back home with beautiful memories of you and your partner - but the city landscape is not for you, heading to the beachside is always a good idea.